Meaning of (शिरकत) shirakat in english
Other : partnership Ex:  His record partnership of 388 with Bill Ponsford decimated the English attack. उ: जिसमें दूर-दूर से लोग आकर शिरकत करते हैं।
participation Ex:  Fan participation at concerts is thus important उ: १९४६ में ही नौसेना विद्रोह के समर्थन में जेल भरो आंदोलन में शिरकत की।
Suggested : an act or instance of participating the state or condition of being a partner participation association joint interest
Exampleशिरकत का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(शिरकत) shirakat
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender .
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