Meaning of (शुद्धधी) shuddhadhee in english

As noun : plausible Ex:  It gives a plausible reason
faithful Ex:  It also means the Ceremony which is practiced at the Masses in which the priest facing the people, this peace fucking and receives the faithful offerings solid Ex:  It is also used as a noun to refer to a solid generated by the revolution of the half of an ellipse around one or the other of its axes earnest frank Ex:  NET is also working adverbially In a frank and means, precisely, suddenly for real upstanding single Ex:  The single "Coming Up" reached #2 in Britain and #1 in the US. close Ex:  Nazi Germany and fascist Italy came close to blows when in 1934 truthful Ex:  Caractère one who is truthful sincere Ex:  It also said the character of what is sincere loyalty Ex:  This is a man whose loyalty is known veracious simple Ex:  Newman is looking for a world different from the simple worthy Ex:  of both genders who is not worthy of something straight forward religious Ex:  15.1% had no religious affiliation, 2.3% were other and 1.4% were unspecified. believer
As verb : exact Ex:  Tell me the exact time
As adjective : genuine sincere Ex:  It also said the character of what is sincere true Ex:  There is no true metropolitan government in Georgia righteous loyal Ex:  The basic layout of the house remained loyal to Brettingham's original plan unfeigned ingenuous straightforward true blue transparent Ex:  In terms of painting, says GLACIS light and transparent colors that painters sometimes apply on already dry colors to give them a picture and more shine, vigor, etc honest Ex:  An honest man's honor is scrupulous Ex:  Probity severe, scrupulous straightforward upfront uncorrupted upstanding soothfast
As adverb : aboveboard
Other : above board
Suggested : faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state characterized by uprightness or morality being in accordance with the actual state or conditions conforming to reality or fact not false free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness earnest possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality, or origin not counterfeit authentic real
Exampleशुद्धधी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(शुद्धधी) shuddhadhee can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : shuddhadhii

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