Meaning of (श्रांति) shraंti in english

As noun : exertion
diligence deligence industry Ex:  Tourism is Bermuda's second largest industry painstaking exertion application Ex:  Stability issues, such as application or system-wide crashes, are also common. toil assiduity work Ex:  Just days after beginning work on the Quba Mosque fatigue Ex:  Falling fatigue tiredness weariness Ex:  The weariness of life overcame him staleness compunction sadness unhappiness sorrow pain Ex:  In terms of Philosophy, state of indifference, mental state contains neither pleasure nor pain bitterness distress suffering Ex:  It's all suffering today affliction worry hardship sorrowfulness recess rest Ex:  The rest consisted of public and private documents: codes regalement relief Ex:  Helping, giving relief relaxation Ex:  The relaxation of discipline breathing space time out ease Ex:  It did not feel at ease cure Ex:  Who is fit for the cure, cure an illness comfort Ex:  This is the comfort of the afflicted relief Ex:  Helping, giving relief luxury Ex:  Leave in the game, in luxury, in spending, Indulge the taste of the game, the luxury bridge Ex:  Build a bridge repose snugness rest Ex:  The rest consisted of public and private documents: codes coziness cosiness comfortable
As adjective : afraid Ex:  This man so devout is not afraid to exercise the wear sorry Ex:  I'm sorry to come to you if morning easy Ex:  A ordinated this point is known, the other will be easy to determine
Other : exhaustion
Suggested : vigorous action or effort taking or characterized by taking , pains or trouble expending or showing diligent care and effort careful the aggregate of manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken persistent exertion of body or mind vigorous action or effort
Exampleश्रांति का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(श्रांति) shraंti can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : shraaंti

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