Meaning of shashth in english
Interpreting shashth - षष्ठ
Other :
sixth Ex:  Radiohead's sixth album उ: भागवत षष्ठ स्कंध षष्ठ अध्याय।
Suggested : next after the fifth being the ordinal number for six
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : षष्ठक - sextant षष्ठांशवृत्ति - king
Other : षष्ठकाल - षष्ठकालोपवास - षष्ठभक्त - षष्ठम - sixth षष्ठमी - षष्ठय - षष्ठांश - sixth part षष्ठान्न - षष्ठान्नकाल - षष्ठान्नकालक - षष्ठान्नकालता - षष्ठालुकालुक - षष्ठिका -
. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :