Chhedak rekha synonyms

छेदक रेखा के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of chhedak rekha synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to chhedak rekha are also displayed as छेदक रेखा synonyms. Know the synonyms of chhedak rekha in hindi. What is chhedak rekha hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (छेदक रेखा) chhedak rekha ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain. chhedak / छेदक

Related synonyms of chhedak rekha

chhedak (छेदक) chhedakara (छेदकर) chhedadaar daat lagaana (छेददार डाट लगाना) chhedadaar (छेददार) chhedan karana (छेदन करना) chhedan yantr (छेदन यंत्र) chhedan (छेदन) chhedanahaar (छेदनहार) chhedana cheerana (छेदना चीरना) chhedanaa/chubhaana (छेदना/चुभाना) chhedana (छेदना) chhedanaa? (छेदना।) chhedanihaara (छेदनिहार) chhedaneey (छेदनीय) chhedane ka kaary (छेदने का कार्य) chhedane kee kriyaa? (छेदने की क्रिया।) chhedane vaala (छेदने वाला) chhedavaala (छेदवाला) chhedaa (छेदा) chhedi (छेदि)

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