Aadha?ta? synonyms

आधृत० के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of aadha?ta? synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to aadha?ta? are also displayed as आधृत० synonyms. Know the synonyms of aadha?ta? in hindi. What is aadha?ta? hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (आधृत०) aadha?ta? ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain. kisi aadhaar par tika hia / किसी आधार पर टिका हिआ
aadhaar paaya hia / आधार पाया हिआ

Related synonyms of aadha?ta?

aadhRRt (आधृ्त) aadhe aur kat (आधे और कट) aadhe aur kate phate noton ka lekha (आधे और कटे फटे नोटों का लेखा) aadhe ghante ka (आधे घंटे का) aadhe ghante men (आधे घंटे में) aadhe din kee chhuttee (आधे दिन की छुट्टी) aadhe man se (आधे मन से) aadhe mooly par (आधे मूल्य पर) aadhe raaste ka (आधे रास्ते का) aadhe shareer ya mukh ka lakava (आधे शरीर या मुख का लकवा) aadhe sir ka dard (आधे सिर का दर्द) aadheaadh (आधेआध) aadhek (आधेक) aadhey bhaar (आधेय भार) aadhey (आधेय) aadhoran (आधोरण) aadhmaata (आध्मात) aadhmaata (आध्माता) aadhmaan (आध्मान) aadhmaanee (आध्मानी)

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