Kanthachchhad synonyms

कण्ठच्छद के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of kanthachchhad synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to kanthachchhad are also displayed as कण्ठच्छद synonyms. Know the synonyms of kanthachchhad in hindi. What is kanthachchhad hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (कण्ठच्छद) kanthachchhad ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain. svarayantrachchhad / स्वरयन्त्रच्छद
ghantika (ghantee / घंटिका (घंटीupajihvaa / उपजिह्वाghantee dhakkan / घंटी ढक्कन

Related synonyms of kanthachchhad

kanthadvaar (कण्ठद्वार) kanthanalee ko spasht roop se dekhane k liye vishisht yatr (कण्ठनली को स्पष्ट रूप से देखने क लिये विशिष्ट यत्र) kanthapradaah (कण्ठप्रदाह) kanthamaal (कण्ठमाल) kanthamaala (कण्ठमाला) kanthay (कण्ठय) kantharundhan (कण्ठरुंधन) kanthasth karana (कण्ठस्थ करना) kanthasth varn (कण्ठस्थ वर्ण) kantha (कण्ठा) kanthee (कण्ठी) kanthy (कण्ठ्य) kantha?shool (कण्ठ―शूल) kand (कण्ड) kandaktar (कण्डक्टर) kandara peshee (कण्डरा पेशी) kandaraa?chhedan (कण्डरा―छेदन) kanda (कण्डा) kandika (कण्डिका) kande (कण्डे)