Peechhe kee or ka synonyms

पीछे की ओर का के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of peechhe kee or ka, pichhe ki or ka synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to peechhe kee or ka are also displayed as पीछे की ओर का synonyms. Know the synonyms of peechhe kee or ka, pichhe ki or ka in hindi. What is peechhe kee or ka hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (पीछे की ओर का) peechhe kee or ka, pichhe ki or ka ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain. pichhada / पिछडा
ulta / उल्टाpichhada hua / पिछड़ा हुआpeechhe kee or / पीछे की ओरateet kaal men / अतीत काल में

Related synonyms of peechhe kee or ka

peechhe kee or ghoomaana (पीछे की ओर घूमाना) peechhe kee or chalana (पीछे की ओर चलना) peechhe kee or (पीछे की ओर) peechhe kee aur (पीछे की और) peechhe kee taraph (पीछे की तरफ़) peechhe ke daravaaje vaalee kaar (पीछे के दरवाजे वाली कार) peechhe ko uchhal aana (पीछे को उछल आना) peechhe khadedana (पीछे खदेड़ना) peechhe chalaana (पीछे चलाना) peechhe chhootana (पीछे छूटना) peechhe chhod dena (पीछे छोड़ देना) peechhe chhodana (पीछे छोड़ना) peechhe chhod jaana (पीछे छोड़् जाना) peechhe jaana (पीछे जाना) peechhe jaane vaala (पीछे जाने वाला) peechhe jhukaana (पीछे झुकाना) peechhe padane vaala (पीछे पड़ने वाला) peechhe peechhe ghisatana (पीछे पीछे घिसटना) peechhe peechhe chalana (पीछे पीछे चलना) peechhe peechhe jaana (पीछे पीछे जाना)

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