Pensil synonyms

पेंसिल के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of pensil synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to pensil are also displayed as पेंसिल synonyms. Know the synonyms of pensil in hindi. What is pensil hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (पेंसिल) pensil ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain. penasil / पेनसिल
ankanee / अंकनीchitrit karana / चित्रित करनाbanaana / बनानाraashi / राशिkoonchee / कूँचीchinh lagaana / चिन्ह लगानाtoolika / तूलिका

Related synonyms of pensil

pensilin (पेंसिलिन) pear (पेअर) peus (पेउस) peusaree (पेउसरी) peusee (पेउसी) peonee paudha (पेओनी पौधा) pekhak (पेखक) pekhan (पेखन) pekhana (पेखना) peg (पेग) pech kholana (पेच खोलना) pech (पेच) pechak (पेचक) pechakash (पेचकश) pechadaar (पेचदार) pecha (पेचा) pechika (पेचिका) pechish (पेचिश) pecheedagee (पेचीदगी) pecheeda karana (पेचीदा करना)

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