Trrishy synonyms

तृष्य के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of trrishy, trishy synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to trrishy are also displayed as तृष्य synonyms. Know the synonyms of trrishy, trishy in hindi. What is trrishy hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (तृष्य) trrishy, trishy ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain. lobh / लोभ
laalach / लालचpyaas / प्यासichchha karane yogy / इच्छा करने योग्यchaahane laayak / चाहने लायक

Related synonyms of trrishy

trrisaalavaan (तृसालवाँ) te (ते) tendua (तेंदुआ) tendus (तेंदुस) tei (तेइ) teis (तेइस) teisavaan (तेइसवाँ) teees (तेईस) tekhana (तेखना) tekhee (तेखी) teg (तेग) tega (तेगा) tej karana (तेज करना) tej karane vaala (तेज करने वाला) tej gandh se yukt dhuaan (तेज गन्ध से युक्त धुआँ) tej chalanevaala (तेज चलनेवाला) tej chaal (तेज चाल) tej chhotee aavaaj karana (तेज छोटी आवाज करना) tej dank maarane vaala bhind (तेज डंक मारने वाला भिंड) tej daud (तेज दौड़)

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