Uthaan sinchaaee synonyms

उठान सिंचाई के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of uthaan sinchaaee, uthan sinchaee, uthaan sinchaai synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to uthaan sinchaaee are also displayed as उठान सिंचाई synonyms. Know the synonyms of uthaan sinchaaee, uthan sinchaee, uthaan sinchaai in hindi. What is uthaan sinchaaee hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (उठान सिंचाई) uthaan sinchaaee, uthan sinchaee, uthaan sinchaai ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain. dhenkul se sinchaaee / ढेंकुल से सिंचाई

Related synonyms of uthaan sinchaaee

uthaan (उठान) uthaana dharana (उठाना धरना) uthaanaa/chadhaana (उठाना/चढ़ाना) uthaana (उठाना) uthaane ka kaam (उठाने का काम) uthaane ka kaary (उठाने का कार्य) uthaane yogy (उठाने योग्य) uthaane vaala manushy (उठाने वाला मनुष्य) uthaaya gaya vishay (उठाया गया विषय) uthaaya hua (उठाया हुआ) uthaav (उठाव) uthaavanaa (उठावना) uthaavanee (उठावनी) uthee kor (उठी कोर) uthela (उठेल) uthaua (उठौआ) uthaunee (उठौनी) uthauva (उठौवा) uthna (उठ्ना) ud kar lagane vaala jukaam (उड कर लगने वाला जुकाम)