Ukhelana synonyms

उखेलना के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of ukhelana synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to ukhelana are also displayed as उखेलना synonyms. Know the synonyms of ukhelana in hindi. What is ukhelana hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (उखेलना) ukhelana ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain. urehana / उरेहना
likhana / लिखनाtasvir khinchana / तस्वीर खींचना

Related synonyms of ukhelana

ukhadaapukhada (उखड़ापुखड़ा) ug aana (उग आना) ugatana (उगटना) ugat (उगत) ugata hua (उगता हुआ) ugatee phasal (उगती फसल) ugadana (उगदना) ugan (उगन) ugana (उगना) uganee?sa (उगनींस) ugane se rokana (उगने से रोकना) uganevaala (उगनेवाला) ugamanaa (उगमना) ugar (उगर) ugara (उगरअ) ugarana (उगरना) ugal dena (उगल देना) ugalana (उगलना) ugalava lena (उगलवा लेना) ugalavaana (उगलवाना)