Meaning of trrishachchhadit bhoomi,trrishachchhadit bhumi,trishachchhadit bhoomi in english

Interpreting trrishachchhadit bhoomi,trrishachchhadit bhumi,trishachchhadit bhoomi - तृशाच्छादित भूमि
As noun :
turf Ex:  The flowers whose turf is diapered
Suggested : a layer of matted earth formed by grass and plant roots
Exampleतृशाच्छादित भूमि का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of trrishachchhadit bhoomi,trrishachchhadit bhumi,trishachchhadit bhoomi

Word of the day
trrishachchhadit bhoomi,trrishachchhadit bhumi,trishachchhadit bhoomi can be used as noun.. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras. Transliteration : tRRishaachChaadita bhuumi

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