Meaning of tash kee gaddee,tash ki gaddi in english
Interpreting tash kee gaddee,tash ki gaddi - ताश की गड्डी
As noun : deck Ex:  In Manila, players receive two private cards from a reduced deck .
Other :
pack Ex:  An instruction pack
Suggested : a group of things wrapped or tied together for easy handling or carrying a bundle, especially one to be carried on the back of an animal or a person Nautical
a floorlike surface wholly or partially occupying one level of a hull, superstructure, or deckhouse , generally cambered, and often serving as a member for strengthening the structure of a vessel
Exampleताश की गड्डी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of tash kee gaddee,tash ki gaddi Antonyms of tash kee gaddee,tash ki gaddi
Word of the day
tash kee gaddee,tash ki gaddi
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
taasha kii gaDDii
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