Meaning of tallin in english

Interpreting tallin - तल्लीन
As noun : preoccupied Ex:  It is so preoccupied with his business that he can not think of anything else उ:   वह निरन्तर उनकी आराधना, पूजन और ध्यान में तल्लीन रहता था।
full Ex:  Chiang Kai-shek gained full control of China उ:   वे सदा भगवान्‌ बुद्ध की निजी सेवाओं में तल्लीन रहे।
As verb : engrossed उ:   अगले दस मिनट तक वह इसी क्रिया में तल्लीन रहता है। absorbed Ex:  When absorbed in thought उ:   मन, वचन, कर्म से वह पूर्णतः शिवार्चन में ही तल्लीन रहता था।
Other : immersed (in उ:   और प्रभु की भक्ति में ऐसे तल्लीन हो जाते थे की नाचने लगते थे। deeply involved (in identified with Ex:  Veles was identified with the Devil. engrossed (in concentration Ex:  Hyperhidrosis sufferers need a much higher concentration state of being one with
Suggested : the act of concentrating the state of being concentrated completely filled containing all that can be held filled to utmost capacity to suck up or drink in (a liquid) soak up completely engrossed in thought absorbed to occupy completely, as the mind or attention absorb
Exampleतल्लीन का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of tallin Antonyms of tallin

Word of the day
Usage of तल्लीन:
1. नांगल के निकट भाखड़ा बांध के पास सांपों का जोड़ा प्यार में इस कदर तल्लीन रहा कि लोगों की आवाजाही का उस पर कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ा jagran.comRelated words :
tallin can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : talliina

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