Meaning of tatsthan in english
Interpreting tatsthan - तत्स्थान
Other :
spot Ex:  He was arrested on the spot
Suggested : a rounded mark or stain made by foreign matter, as mud, blood, paint, ink, etc a blot or speck
Word of the day
Related words :
As verb : तत्स्थानी - corresponding
Other : तत्स्थान और तत्काल - then and there तत्स्थान मूल्य - spot price तत्स्थानी तत्सम - corresponding provision तत्स्थानी तारीख - corresponding date तत्स्थानी नया बैंक - corresponding new bank तत्स्थानी न्यायालय - corresponding court तत्स्थानी प्रवेशकारी राज्य - corresponding acceding state तत्स्थानी प्रान्त - corresponding province
. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :