Meaning of todana in english

Interpreting todana - तोड़ना
Other : quash उ:   वह स्कॉटलैंड का फ्रांस के साथ गठबंधन तोडना चाहते थे।
to dismember to infringe to rupture infringe violato to rescind violate Ex:  The fathers and mothers ought not to violate their children in choosing a state, profession to crop to quash to pull Ex:  KEEP is also used as intransitive verb and means to be attached to something, be difficult to remove , to pull or move to batter to burst Ex:  , which is preparing and is ready to burst demolish to violate Ex:  , Revealing a secret, is to violate a sacred trust to demolish intrude rescind to pick to break Ex:  In order to break this line to dissolve Ex:  Who has the power to dissolve to intrude dismember dissolve Ex:  Water can dissolve many different substances batter Ex:  The cold process soap batter is then poured into molds pick break Ex:  In order to break this line pull Ex:  KEEP is also used as intransitive verb and means to be attached to something, be difficult to remove , to pull or move rupture burst Ex:  , which is preparing and is ready to burst crop Ex:  Sowing is the most important part of crop production . pry pluck contravene उ:   सामाजिक बंधनों को भी वह तोड़ना चाहता है। kick in उ:   प्रेम अपने भाई के दिल को तोड़ना नहीं चाहता है। breaking up Ex:  After breaking up with Cyterszpiller उ:   उन्होंने इस पत्थर को तोड़ना चाहा। break off उ:   नींबू के पानी या सन्तरे-मौसमी आदि के रस से तोड़ना चाहिए। pluck उ:   उसने दीवार को तोड़ना आरम्भ कर दिया, जिससे वह उन्हें बचा सके। dismantle smash rescind chase Ex:  It has managed to marry the woman after a long chase rupture pick bend Ex:  SHANK says also the place where the hind leg bend animal with four legs blow Ex:  It also means act of violence, abuse, blow given to someone crack beat Ex:  It was Elvis who got me hooked on beat music. bite Ex:  Whisk, bite to blood, So start the flesh and get out the blood cut Ex:  Glass can also be cut with a diamond saw break Ex:  There is no particular linguistic break at the Prut river
Suggested : to break to pieces with violence and often with a crashing sound , as by striking, letting fall, or dashing against something shatter to deprive or strip of apparatus, furniture, equipment, defenses, etc to pull off or out from the place of growth, as fruit, flowers, feathers, etc a discontinuation, especially abrupt, as of relations to come or be in conflict with go or act against deny or oppose
Exampleतोड़ना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of todana

Word of the day
Usage of तोड़ना:
1. रविवार, शुक्रवार,सप्तमी तिथि को भी तुलसी नहीं तोड़ना चाहिए jagran.com2. अमावस्या, चैादस तिथि को तुलसी नहीं तोड़ना चाहिए jagran.com3. B'DAY SPECIAL: गांगुली के पांच रिकॉर्ड्स जो तोड़ना नामुमकिन जैसा!livehindustan.comRelated words :
todana and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : toDanaa

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