Meaning of tuchchh in english
Interpreting tuchchh - तुच्छ
Other : petty Ex:  Ornaments of a desired taste, a taste petty उ: बुद्ध के लिये मानव शरीर अति तुच्छ माना गया था।
trifle Ex:  The slightest trifle enough to entertain the उ: ऐसे तत्त्व को तुच्छ नहीं कहा जा सकता। trivial Ex:  He said, figuratively, trivial things that flatter some passion, which amuse the mind and in this sense, it often puts the plural उ: एक तुच्छ बर्फ तोड़ने का सुआ जो सीधे ललाटखंड के अंदर जाना था। frivolous Ex:  Character of what is frivolous and that would suit a child, either in the reasoning or in the actions ; he said only in speaking of people who have passed the age of childhood उ: दोनों का ध्यान अपने तुच्छ स्वार्थ में केन्द्रित रहेगा। contemptible insignificant Ex:  An insignificant apostille triviality insignificance frivolity vain Ex:  In terms of Literature and Fine Arts, it means simplicity, skinning, no vain search of elegance and superfluous ornaments unimportant Ex:  It said the Prince of a small state unimportant
Suggested : deserving of or held in contempt despicable characterized by lack of seriousness or sense of very little importance or value insignificant an article or thing of very little value of little or no importance or consequence
Exampleतुच्छ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of tuchchh
Word of the day
Usage of तुच्छ:
1. तुच्छ मानसिकता वाले कर रहे मेले का विरोध LiveHindustan2. तुच्छ प्रवृति के हैं नरेन्द्र मोदी : भीम सिंह LiveHindustanRelated words :As noun : तुच्छ आदमी - insect तुच्छ काम में बरबाद करना - prostitute तुच्छ ढंग से - trivially तुच्छ बात - toy तुच्छ बात या वस्तु या मनुष्य - nothing
As verb : तुच्छ जानना - disregard
Other : तुच्छ अभिकथन - banal assertions तुच्छ करना - vilify तुच्छ कविता लिखने वाला - rimer तुच्छ काम करना - trifle तुच्छ काम से जीना - sponge तुच्छ कार्य मे समय लगाना - quiddle तुच्छ दोष - trivial offence तुच्छ दोषी - trivial offender तुच्छ पदार्थ - not worth a danm
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :