Meaning of turahi in english

Interpreting turahi - तुरही
As noun : trumpet Ex:  Army Signal sounded the bugle or trumpet every night for the lights उ:   तुरही एक वाद्य-यंत्र है।
sousaphone उ:   फूल आकार में बड़े, आकर्षक, तुरही के आकार के होते हैं। bass horn उ:   यह महान तुरही और पड़ा साथ लोगों द्वारा मनाई जाती है। clarion trombone Ex:  Playing the trombone trump Ex:  , laughs best who laughs last is said of someone who boasts of success in a case where there are trump him cornet Ex:  Playing the cornet tuba brass Ex:  It also said a small sound instrument, iron or brass comprising two branches between which is a tongue that vibrates when the
Other : bugle Ex:  drum Battery or bugle call that gives the soldier the permission to break ranks
Suggested : Music
a valved, brass wind instrument having a low range Music a valved wind instrument of the trumpet family Cards
any playing card of a suit that for the time outranks the other suits, such a card being able to take any card of another suit clear and shrill Music
any of a family of brass wind instruments with a powerful, penetrating tone, consisting of a tube commonly curved once or twice around on itself and having a cup-shaped mouthpiece at one end and a flaring bell at the other
Exampleतुरही का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of turahi Antonyms of turahi

Word of the day
turahi can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : turahii

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