Meaning of (तडकना) tadakana in english
Other : explode Ex:  RP C/12 burned when exposed to fire it did not explode while cordite would.
riven rift Ex:  This rift is possibly still active chap burst Ex:  burst into insults, invective, in reproaches, in carry up insults, invectives, reproaches pop Ex:  Although Lopez succeeded as a pop star a few years later
Suggested : to break , break open, or fly apart with sudden violence to crack, roughen, and redden (the skin) an opening made by splitting, cleaving, etc fissure cleft chink a past participle of rive to expand with force and noise because of rapid chemical change or decomposition, as gunpowder or nitroglycerine (opposed to implode )
Exampleतडकना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
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(तडकना) tadakana
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras.
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