Meaning of (तरंगित) tarangit in english
As adjective : choppy उ: यह जिला तरंगित समतल है, जिसमें कई पहाड़ियाँ हैं।
Other :
waved Ex:  She waved good-bye as she headed for the door . उ: यह मरुस्थल बालू के टिब्बों से ढँका हुआ एक तरंगित मैदान है। full of waves/ripples unsteady rippled Ex:  Her hair rippled fleeting wavy Ex:  The lake surface was slightly wavy
Suggested : curving alternately in opposite directions undulating swift rapid (of a liquid surface) to form small waves or undulations, as water agitated by a breeze not steady or firm unstable shaky (of the sea, a lake, etc) forming short, irregular, broken waves
Word of the day
(तरंगित) tarangit
can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :