Meaning of (ताकझाँक) takajhaँka in english

As noun : inspection Ex:  Art pretended to guess, predict what should happen , by the hand of inspection
supervision Ex:  The Parliament also has other powers of general supervision overhaul oversight survey Ex:  Another, more academic, survey found 68% support. invigilation call Ex:  Residents often informally call the city "Philly". visitation review Ex:  His review of Ibsen's New Drama welfare care Ex:  A comprehensive approach strategy was extended to all areas of health care surveillance Ex:  It serves as his command centre for both local and global surveillance ward Ex:  It must have a guardian care of the person and property of his ward invigilation charge Ex:  Action, charge and how to govern, regulate, administer inquiry Ex:  Some think that philosophy examines the process of inquiry itself. research Ex:  Genetic research poses many ethical questions . investigation Ex:  As the tools of historical investigation have changed over time and space exploration Ex:  The first exploration of the Solar System was conducted by telescope discovery Ex:  El Quinto Centenario, of Christopher Columbus' discovery of America. dig search Ex:  Genetic research poses many ethical questions . detection Ex:  Countermeasures by the British were sound detection find Ex:  "We will either find a way, or make one". rummage tracking Ex:  From 1950 to 1981 the United States had a missile tracking site on Grand Turk. quest Ex:  The one, the one that quest research Ex:  Genetic research poses many ethical questions . scent
Suggested : to keep watch to take a general or comprehensive view of or appraise, as a situation, area of study, etc an omission or error due to carelessness to make necessary repairs on restore to serviceable condition the act of inspecting or viewing, especially carefully or critically
Exampleताकझाँक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(ताकझाँक) takajhaँka can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : taakajhaaँka

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