Meaning of (तारल) tarala in english
As noun : naughty
giddy flighty wavering quivering shaking wanton erratic volatile mobile Ex:  In terms of military administration, said mobile troops versus Groups in sedentary body uncertain Ex:  The age of sexual maturity is uncertain but may be four to five years. fluid Ex:  Both rigid and fluid body calculations are given. floating Ex:  When spores are released they keep floating in the air . instability Ex:  Heavy snowfall may cause instability in the existing snowpack wobbly choppy unfirm unfocused unfocussed unsettled variable Ex:  The disorder is also variable wandering Ex:  WALK is also used figuratively, speaking of things who walk, wandering voluptuary
As adjective : mobile Ex:  In terms of military administration, said mobile troops versus Groups in sedentary body agile Ex:  Which of the two genres is quick, nimble, agile spry fickle scatterbrained restless volatile nimble flickering unstable unsteady mercurial harum scarum playful skittish indecisive fickle versatile capricious shaky giddy transient inconsistent Ex:  What mood are you today? These are two very different moods, although inconsistent whimsical precarious planetary Ex:  It is arguably a special case in planetary science fleeting lissome slippery mercurial inconstant treacherous changeable unreliable unprecise afloat unsteadfast unliquidated unstaid irresolute volatile oils astatic sybaritic Ex:  He leads a sybaritic life voluptuous Ex:  Images voluptuous
Suggested : affected with vertigo dizzy disobedient mischievous (used especially in speaking to or about children) likely to change, especially due to caprice, irresolution, or instability casually changeable quick and well-coordinated in movement lithe capable of moving or being moved readily
Word of the day
(तारल) tarala
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :