Meaning of (तिग्मतेज) tigmateja in english
As noun : sun Ex:  His face is tanned in the sun
strident quick Ex:  He had three diseases in quick succession sharp Ex:  It also said the sharp noise that made the wind, or an arrow, a bullet, a stone thrown forcefully, etc shrill Ex:  shrill cry that sounds an animal yelped trenchant tangy Ex:  From tangy vinegar piping Ex:  The blue lapels with red piping cutting Ex:  Botanical Kind of perennials, with cutting leaves, which grow in the humid areas tart piercing Ex:  The augers, augers, drills are piercing tools staccato caustic Ex:  Some reptiles ejaculate caustic humor on people or animals who want to enter the heavy Ex:  Hall of Fame for their influence to the heavy metal scene. virulent rowdy rough Ex:  The sea is high also means that the sea is rough keen cutthroat high spirited redblooded red blooded
As verb : shrill Ex:  shrill cry that sounds an animal yelped piercing Ex:  The augers, augers, drills are piercing tools penetrating Ex:  Chemistry colorless substance, a penetrating odor, which is a product of the action of chlorine on alcohol and s' used in medicine as a soporific and anesthetic searching Ex:  Isis spent her life searching for Osiris irritated Ex:  It means, figuratively, Who gets to take passion, or easily irritated
As adjective : solar Ex:  The movement of mass ejected from the Sun is known as the solar wind. generous Ex:  We can not find this meaning in poetic expressions: A generous lion incisive subtle Ex:  Alambiquer mind, shall alambiquer mind, brain, mind Torturer , make too subtle acute Ex:  Acute myocardial infarction is a type of acute coronary syndrome acrid strong Ex:  Lviv is historically strong on culture. pungent Ex:  We had a very pungent show hot Ex:  Except in hot weather pungent Ex:  We had a very pungent show reedy strong Ex:  Lviv is historically strong on culture. venomous Ex:  Australia is home to the largest number of venomous snakes in the world. virulent vitriolic peppery severe Ex:  Tehran, like many big cities, suffers from severe air pollution. acerbic fierce Ex:  By extension, fierce Coeur violent Ex:  The violent conflict finally concluded with the Treaty of Alexandropol . furious Ex:  ancient medicine of mind disease that makes opinionated, passionate, furious turbulent Ex:  The last years of the Interregnum were turbulent raucous ferocious Ex:  ferocious beast of the feline genre whose skin is dotted with black spots truculent aggressive Ex:  The band abandoned its aggressive acrid malignant Ex:  malignant Joy, Joy we has the misfortunes of others and we would like to hide strong Ex:  Lviv is historically strong on culture. vicious Ex:  It is used figuratively and signifies Hide, hide carefully under pretexts specious, as commendable appearances, something vicious fierce Ex:  By extension, fierce Coeur stupendous serious Ex:  Though he never claimed to write serious literature glorious Ex:  He made a glorious end radiant Ex:  I found him radiant majestic Ex:  "In its majestic equality" brilliant Ex:  A brilliant location, advantageous stately mighty imposing Ex:  A physically imposing figure valorous powerful Ex:  Williams is known for her powerful two-handed backhand virile
Suggested : liberal in giving or sharing unselfish loud or shrill, as the quality of a voice high-pitched and piercing in sound quality (often initial capital letter) the star that is the central body of the solar system , around which the planets revolve and from which they receive light and heat of or pertaining to the sun
Exampleतिग्मतेज का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(तिग्मतेज) tigmateja
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :