Meaning of (तुलाधर) tuladhara in english
As noun : merchant Ex:  In the following two centuries Prague strengthened its role as a merchant city.
trader Ex:  A good trader dealer Ex:  Note that if the player busts he loses, even if the dealer also busts. businessman Ex:  Also a prominent young businessman and music producer/songwriter. chafferer bargainer libra sun Ex:  In terms of Astronomy, lower Planets, Planets, which, compared to land, are nearest the sun
As adjective : solar Ex:  The solar avoidance angle is about 50°
Suggested : an advantageous purchase, especially one acquired at less than the usual cost bargaining haggling a person who buys and sells articles without altering their condition trader or merchant, especially a wholesaler a person who trades a merchant or businessperson a person who buys and sells commodities for profit dealer trader
Word of the day
(तुलाधर) tuladhara
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
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