Meaning of (थोडा) thoda in english

Other : parcelled उ:   थोडा पानी का छिडकाव करके पहले पर ढक्कन रखे।
few Ex:  Tara scored a few points against Sally . उ:   थोडा धुंए में पकाया हुआ सजक बेहतर माना जाता है। less Ex:  Limelight, was less political and more autobiographical in nature. उ:   रहस्य थोडा सुलझता है और उन्हें तहखाने का रास्ता पता चल जाता है। meagre उ:   वनों से थोडा ऊपर दृष्टि पडते ही आंखें खुली की खुली रह जाती है। scant उ:   अगर पानी की मात्रा अधिक है तो चारे को थोडा सुखाा लेना चाहिए। little Ex:  He slipped down his pants a little . उ:   इस चट्टान की सतह को थोडा हटाके मूर्ती की छवी बनाई जाती है। wanting Ex:  Do nothing, not wanting to scanty seldom Ex:  These works are seldom performed scarce Ex:  Information on the prequel scripts is comparatively more scarce parcel diminutive spare Ex:  I will spare you the rest inadequate Ex:  Thus, functionalism is an inadequate theory of the mind. somewhat Ex:  France and England somewhat later scantling mouthful superficial Ex:  It means, figuratively superficial knowledge in some science, some art in small Ex:  Conversely, very small cats have been reported. touch Ex:  Clairs deniers, light money, money, money you can touch when we want, we can easily accommodate some Ex:  The results of some of the students were withheld. moderate Ex:  The urban and growing suburban areas are politically moderate to progressive. bean Ex:  bean dish rather Ex:  You are about to hear a rather short Ex:  Disney and his wife spent a short amount of time in Palm Springs
Suggested : small in size not big not large tiny barely sufficient in amount or quantity not abundant almost inadequate deficient in quantity or quality lacking fullness or richness scanty inadequate to a smaller extent, amount, or degree not many but more than one
Exampleथोडा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of थोडा:
1. एक दो दिन इंतजार कीजिये समय में थोडा सुधार अवश्य होगा
(थोडा) thoda and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. Transliteration : thoDaa

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