Meaning of tonti in english
Interpreting tonti - टोंटी
As noun : spout Ex:  Portable enough a large capacity container, commonly wood, trimmed circles of iron or copper, which has a handle and a tapered spout and which is ordinarily used to pull or carry wine
tap Ex:  In terms of fencing, he said of the attack that starts with a light tap on the sword given the opponent beak Ex:  It is also said, in terms of Zoology, Appendix beak of some birds faucet Ex:  tap water two to three water faucet whose key is pierced so as to correspond to two, three different pipes, which can be opened at will snout Ex:  Sort of Zoology monkey so called because it has the elongated snout like a dog nozzle Ex:  Because of the much higher nozzle pressure ratios experienced
Suggested : a projecting spout, terminal discharging pipe, or the like, as of a hose or bellows the part of an animal's head projecting forward and containing the nose and jaws muzzle the bill of a bird neb to strike with a light but audible blow or blows hit with repeated, slight blows to emit or discharge forcibly (a liquid, granulated substance, etc) in a stream or jet
Exampleटोंटी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of टोंटी:
1. परिंदे भी गर्मी से परेशान - मोर तो नल की टोंटी देखकर ही अपनी चोंच लगाकर पानी पीना चाहता है bhaskar.comRelated words :As noun : टोंटीदार पात्र - beaker
As verb : टोंटी से तरल पदार्थ निकालना - tap
Other : टोंटी चूषित्र - tap-aspirator टोंटी बढिया किस्म की - cock-stop टोंटी में से निकलना - spout टोंटी शलाका - tap bar टोंटी स्विच - tap switch टोंटीदार कलश - spouted vase टोंटीदार बोतल - spouted bottle टोंटीयन - tap
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :