Meaning of traimasik bhugatan ka din in english

Interpreting traimasik bhugatan ka din - ट्रैमासिक भुगतान का दिन
As noun :
quarter day
Suggested : (in England, Ireland, and Wales) one of the four days, Lady Day, Midsummer Day, Michaelmas, or Christmas, regarded as marking off the quarters of the year, on which quarterly payments are due, tenancies begin and end, etc
Exampleट्रैमासिक भुगतान का दिन का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of traimasik bhugatan ka din

Word of the day
traimasik bhugatan ka din can be used as noun.. No of characters: 23 including consonants matras. Transliteration : Traimaasika bhugataana kaa dina

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