Meaning of (टारपीडो) tarapeedo,tarapido in english

Other :
torpedo Ex:  On the other hand, the Japanese only lost 116 men and 3 torpedo boats. उ:   अब तोप, टारपीडो और हवाई जहाज ये तीन मुख्य आयुध हैं।
Suggested : a self-propelled, cigar-shaped missile containing explosives and often equipped with a homing device, launched from a submarine or other warship, for destroying surface vessels or other submarines
Exampleटारपीडो का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(टारपीडो) tarapeedo,tarapido . No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. Transliteration : TaarapiiDo

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