Meaning of (टिप्पा) tippa in english

As noun : sex Ex:  An individual with only one sex chromosome has Turner syndrome
penis Ex:  The channel of the penis phallus gender Ex:  The gender system resembled that of modern German organ Ex:  The organ was built in 1904 crude Ex:  "It seems to me nearly altogether a poor, cheap, crude ". yokelish impossible Ex:  If this is impossible ill bred abrupt rough Ex:  rough and imperfect outline discourteous lowbred unmannered ill mannered bad mannered bounderish assault Ex:  The French assault at Paris ensued on 8 September. sally invasion Ex:  During his invasion of Italy raid Ex:  Belfast was heavily bombed during World War II. In one raid dash sortie
As adjective : vulgar Ex:  Prejudice vulgar coarse Ex:  Flattery coarse rude Ex:  "It seems to me nearly altogether a poor, cheap, crude ". barbarous unparliamentary uncouth underbred impolite uncivil Ex:  It still means one way uncivil ungracious indelicate indecorous uncourteous unmannerly brusque
Other : rebound Ex:  Make rebound mud bounce
Suggested : characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste Also called pipe organ a musical instrument consisting of one or more sets of pipes sounded by means of compressed air, played by means of one or more keyboards, and capable of producing a wide range of musical effects Grammar
(in many languages) a set of classes that together include all nouns , membership in a particular class being shown by the form of the noun itself or by the form or choice of words that modify, replace, or otherwise refer to the noun, as, in English, the choice of he to replace the man, of she to replace the woman, of it to replace the table, of it or she to replace the ship The number of genders in different languages varies from 2 to more than 20 often the classification correlates in part with sex or animateness The most familiar sets of genders are of three classes (as masculine, feminine, and neuter in Latin and German) or of two (as common and neuter in Dutch, or masculine and feminine in French and Spanish) an image of the male reproductive organ, especially that carried in procession in ancient festivals of Dionysus, or Bacchus, symbolizing the generative power in nature either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions
Exampleटिप्पा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(टिप्पा) tippa can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of language by locals . Transliteration : Tippaa

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