Meaning of thunth in english
Interpreting thunth - ठूँठ
As noun : pollard
snag stump block Ex: The SPF is headquartered in a block at New Phoenix Park in Novena tree stump stubble Ex: Ridding Agriculture land, by plowing for bury, stubble left after harvest stub
Other : dead-wood
Suggested : Usually, stubbles the stumps of grain and other stalks left in the ground when the crop is cut a solid mass of wood, stone, etc, usually with one or more flat or approximately flat faces the lower end of a tree or plant left after the main part falls or is cut off a standing tree trunk from which the upper part and branches have been removed a tree or part of a tree held fast in the bottom of a river, lake, etc, and forming an impediment or danger to navigation a tree cut back nearly to the trunk, so as to produce a dense mass of branches
Exampleठूँठ का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of thunth
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : ठूँठ हटाना - stump ठूँठी - stubble
Other : ठूँठ अंकुर - stump sprout ठूँठ क्यारी - stool bed ठूँठ छायारंजन - stump shading ठूँठ प्ररोह - stool shoot ठूँठा - stubby ठूँठिया - ठूँठी पलवार - stuble mulch ठूँठी फसल - stubble crop ठूँठी मल्च - stuble mulch ठूँठीदार पलवार खेती - stubble mulch farming ठूंठ निकालना - stub ठूंठ से पूर्ण - stumped ठूंठदार - stubby
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit and/or Hindi language .
Transliteration :