Meaning of (ठलुआ) thalua in english

As noun : idle
disengaged empty Ex:  bombastic promises, empty promises Large and clear Ex:  ” The actual meaning of Bhumibol's advice was not clear open Ex:  Soviet Forces were caught in the open blank Ex:  , writing what was lacking in the place they had left blank lean Ex:  clean prison spare Ex:  He is a man for whom he n ' There is nothing sacred, who did not spare what is most sacred in the world said of a man who is held on by nothing no respect religion or morality
As verb : bare Ex:  Put a limb, wound bare
As adjective : person who doesnt have any work and thus does nothing sterile free Ex:  But Pascal did not consider the role of making free choices vacant Ex:  candidate for a vacant chair at the French Academy available Ex:  Bananas are available cheaply in this season. unfilled unoccupied clean Ex:  clean prison unused uncrowded unengaged
Suggested : having no contents empty void enjoying personal rights or liberty , as a person who is not in slavery to release from attachment or connection loosen unfasten not working or active unemployed doing nothing free from living germs or microorganisms aseptic
Exampleठलुआ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(ठलुआ) thalua can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word . Transliteration : Thaluaa

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