Meaning of (ठसाठस) thasathas in english

As noun : tightly Ex:  Such genome wide transcriptional response is very complex and tightly regulated उ:   ठसाठस भरी सभा में भी गहरा सन्नाटा छा गया।
chock a block squash jam Ex:  Lemon Kind, strong coarse silt and strong odor, which it is usually a dry jam called
Other : stuffed full packed Ex:  I packed all my suitacses before supper. crowdedly crowded Ex:  Towns were especially hard-hit because of the crowded conditions. cram-full fully Ex:  Matured birds are fully fledged. cramfull
Suggested : entirely or wholly filled to excess packed to press into a flat mass or pulp crush extremely full crowded jammed firmly or closely fixed in place not easily moved secure
Exampleठसाठस का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of ठसाठस:
1. नए महामाया धान की रिकार्ड तोड़ आवक, भाटापारा में मंडी ठसाठस bhaskar.com2. वकीलों की हड़ताल से जेलों में कैदी ठसाठस भरे LiveHindustan3. ट्रेनों में मारामारी, बस में ठसाठस सवारी LiveHindustan
(ठसाठस) thasathas can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Verb and/or Adjective in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : ThasaaThasa

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