Meaning of udgharshana in english

Interpreting udgharshana - उद्घर्षण
As noun : cue Ex:  In some sets of balls, however, the second cue ball is solid yellow.
handrail Ex:  Install an iron gate, handrail baton Ex:  Garter Principal King of Arms carries his baton of office. stave Ex:  By affixing Wood stave wand Ex:  Flying Rocket, Rocket which is attached a wand and that rises by itself in the air when you are fired bludgeon Ex:  Leave, hitting, wear down, bludgeon suddenly bar Ex:  He plonked down his beer mug on the bar . truncheon nightstick sap Ex:  Botanical plant with red veins, kind of patience that the leaves make a red sap like blood blackjack Ex:  In American blackjack cosh
Other : erasures Ex:  there were many erasures in the typescript erasure Ex:  Putting his initials to approve an addition, an erasure
Suggested : a short, heavy club with one end weighted, or thicker and heavier than the other a slender stick or rod, especially one used by a magician, conjurer, or diviner one of the thin, narrow, shaped pieces of wood that form the sides of a cask, tub, or similar vessel Music a wand used by a conductor anything said or done, on or off stage, that is followed by a specific line or action
Exampleउद्घर्षण का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of udgharshana

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udgharshana can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : udgharShaNa

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