Meaning of ugahana in english

Interpreting ugahana - उगाहना
As noun : squeeze Ex:  250 and 125 ml paper containers and 100 and 200 mL squeeze tubes
gouge Ex:  The gouge is a curved blade that can remove large portions of wood smoothly. wring Ex:  I wring his neck rack Ex:  They were fitted with either a ETC 250 bomb rack
As verb : levy Ex:  All fifteen Arizona counties levy a tax. extort Ex:  Action to extort money from someone by threatening to defame
Other : to realise to collect Ex:  I like to collect cartoons from the newspaper. to collect (as rent to raise (funds to gather Ex:  They also hoped to gather evidence of the transmutation of species. revenue Ex:  Additional revenue paid for Gulf War reparations through a Compensation Fund realize Ex:  Modern scholars realize that this was due to cultural reasons realise Ex:  You must realise that Squeezer is overshot! It's not true .
Suggested : to twist forcibly Law
to wrest or wring (money, information, etc) from a person by violence, intimidation, or abuse of authority obtain by force , torture, threat, or the like a chisel having a partly cylindrical blade with the bevel on either the concave or the convex side to press forcibly together compress an imposing or collecting, as of a tax, by authority or force
Exampleउगाहना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ugahana Antonyms of ugahana

Word of the day
ugahana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : ugaahanaa

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