Meaning of ujad in english

Interpreting ujad - उजाड़
As verb : deserted Ex:  They entered the deserted hut.
Other : devastated Ex:  An earthquake in Taiwan devastated many people. barren Ex:  For a long time, the land remained barren of multicellular organisms. wilderness Ex:  The house was not in wilderness but at the edge of town wild Ex:  Plants such as wild garlic
Suggested : a wild and uncultivated region, as of forest or desert, uninhabited or inhabited only by wild animals a tract of wasteland not producing or incapable of producing offspring sterile to lay waste render desolate barren or laid waste devastated abandoned forsaken
Exampleउजाड़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ujad Antonyms of ujad

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Usage of उजाड़:
1. झारखंड के देवघर जिला के सारवां प्रखंड मोड़ में मंगलवार को तीन तलाक के नियम ने एक परिवार को उजाड़ दियाlivehindustan.com2. उसको समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि जिस मां ने उसका घर बसाया था, आखिर उसे वह क्यों उजाड़ रही है bhaskar.comRelated words :
ujad can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : ujaa.Da

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