Meaning of ulta pulta in english

Interpreting ulta pulta - उल्टा पुल्टा
As noun : topsy turvy
hugger mugger rough and tumble disorderly Ex:  His manners are very disorderly
As adverb : higgledy piggledy
Suggested : characterized by disorder irregular untidy confused characterized by violent, random , disorderly action and struggles in a jumbled, confused, or disorderly manner helter-skelter disorder or confusion muddle with the top where the bottom should be upside down
Exampleउल्टा पुल्टा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ulta pulta Antonyms of ulta pulta

Word of the day
Usage of उल्टा पुल्टा:
1. आपने घर तो कई तरह के देखे होंगे, महंगे से महंगे और सस्ते से सस्ते लेकिन आपने उल्टा पुल्टा घर नहीं देखा होगा, देखा है क्या शायद नहीं, तो यहां देखिए jagran.comRelated words :
ulta pulta can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : ulTaa pulTaa

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