Meaning of ulajha hua in english

Interpreting ulajha hua - उलझा हुआ
As noun : tangled Ex:  He tangled the wire in the bushes.
enmeshed Ex:  England at that time was enmeshed in the Napoleonic Wars
As verb : entangled Ex:  The two ships became entangled
As adjective : complicated Ex:  More complicated shapes can be integrated as solids of revolution.
Other : tanglingly puzzling Ex:  He gave a circuitous and puzzling explanation on the theory. matted intricate Ex:  The layout of the palace is intricate tangly involved Ex:  He is involved in the study of neural processes.
Suggested : having many interrelated parts or facets entangled or involved confusing or baffling to make tangled ensnarl intertwine snarled, interlaced, or mixed up composed of elaborately interconnected parts complex
Exampleउलझा हुआ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ulajha hua Antonyms of ulajha hua

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ulajha hua can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : ulajhaa huaa

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