Meaning of unmatt in english
Interpreting unmatt - उन्मत्त
As noun : insane Ex:  Many thought Bokassa was insane उ: वह काली साड़ी में अपनी नायिका को देखकर उन्मत्त सा हो जातें हैं।
maniac उ: वह अपने पति की स्मृति से उन्मत्त होकर नृत्य करने लगी। frenzied Ex:  frenzied applause lunatic Ex:  He is either a lunatic or a traitor.
As adjective : hysterical Ex:  Affection hysterical उ: उन्हें तब से ही आजादी के मतवाले उन्मत्त श्रीराम मत्त नाम मिला। squiffy उ: उन्होंने उन्मत्त चरणों था, फिर भी थोड़ा व्यायाम लिया। rabid Ex:  This is a rabid dog. delirious Ex:  delirious fever
Other : intoxicated Ex:  Alice intoxicated herself with too much whiskey . madman Ex:  The madman mutilates art work lustful Ex:  Paintings lustful wild Ex:  The soybean grows only under cultivation while G. soja grows wild in China crazy Ex:  She was crazy about him
The crowd went crazy
He had a crazy dream
She is crazy about cars and racing to be hysterical to run amuck raving Ex:  the raving of maniacs phrenetic
The crowd went crazy
He had a crazy dream
She is crazy about cars and racing to be hysterical to run amuck raving Ex:  the raving of maniacs phrenetic
Suggested : irrationally extreme in opinion or practice wildly excited or enthusiastic a raving or violently insane person lunatic not sane not of sound mind mentally deranged of, pertaining to, or characterized by hysteria
Exampleउन्मत्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of unmatt Antonyms of unmatt
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : उन्मत्तता - ebriety उन्मत्तत्ता - insanity
As verb : उन्मत्त करना - intoxicate उन्मत्तापहरण करना - kidnap
As adjective : उन्मत्त या उत्तेजित - frantic उन्मत्त{खुशी से} - delirious उन्मत्तक - hysterical उन्मत्तवेश - horrific
As adverb : उन्मत्तता से - deliriously
Other : उन्मत्त की तरह आनन्द मचाना - maffick उन्मत्त भाव से - amuck उन्मत्त व्यक्ति - insane person उन्मत्तउत्तेजित - उन्मत्तकीर्ति - उन्मत्तलिंगो -
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :