Meaning of uparjan karna in english

Interpreting uparjan karna - उपार्जन करना
As verb : receive Ex:  Cleveland's culinary scene began to receive international attention.
earn Ex:  She works as a baby-sitter to earn her pocket money.
Other : to acquire Ex:  King Ludwig I managed to acquire such famous pieces as the Medusa Rondanini to earn Ex:  She works as a baby-sitter to earn her pocket money. win Ex:  He took a wager on who would win in the Wimbledon
Suggested : to gain or get in return for one's labor or service to finish first in a race , contest, or the like
Exampleउपार्जन करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of uparjan karna

Word of the day
uparjan karna can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : upaarjana karanaa

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