Meaning of upanivesh in english
Interpreting upanivesh - उपनिवेश
As noun : colony Ex:  The drains of this colony are malodorous. उ: सन् १५०० के बाद यहाँ उपनिवेश बनने आरंभ हुए।
settlement Ex:  sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement between nondollar countries उ: यह उपनिवेश थे- एस्सेक्यूबो, डेमेरारा और बेरबिस।
Other : settlements Ex:  Dutch and English settlements in North America. उ: वह ऐसा करने वाली पहला उपनिवेश था। colonies Ex:  the colonies revolted against the Crown उ: १७८८- ऑस्ट्रेलिया ब्रिटेन का उपनिवेश बना।
Suggested : the act or state of settling or the state of being settled a group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation
Exampleउपनिवेश का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of upanivesh
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Related words :
As noun : उपनिवेश का रहनेवाला - colonist उपनिवेश बसाना - colonisation उपनिवेशक - colonist उपनिवेशन - colonization उपनिवेशवाद - colonialism
As verb : उपनिवेश में बसना - colonize
As adjective : उपनिवेश संबन्धी - colonial
Other : उपनिवेश काल - colonial period उपनिवेश प्रेस - colonial press उपनिवेश मंत्री - colonial secretary उपनिवेश विरोधी समूह - anti-colonial group उपनिवेशक राज्य - colonizing state उपनिवेशवादी - colonizationist उपनिवेशिक न्यायालय - colonial court of admiralty उपनिवेशिक विधि - colonial law
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :