Meaning of upekshapoorn,upekshapurn in english

Interpreting upekshapoorn,upekshapurn - उपेक्षापूर्ण
As noun : dismissive Ex:  Alan Perlis was similarly dismissive of the idea.
sneering Ex:  An air sneering
As adjective : supercilious negligent Ex:  In a negligent manner
Suggested : to smile, laugh, or contort the face in a manner that shows scorn or contempt guilty of or characterized by neglect , as of duty indicating dismissal or rejection having the purpose or effect of dismissing , as from one's presence or from consideration
Exampleउपेक्षापूर्ण का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of upekshapoorn,upekshapurn Antonyms of upekshapoorn,upekshapurn

Word of the day
Usage of उपेक्षापूर्ण:
1. प्रवक्ता हेमंत श्रीमाली ने बताया कि पिछले माहों में जिला प्रमुख शांति लाल मेघवाल के साथ कलेक्टर के उपेक्षापूर्ण व्यवहार का आरोप प्रमुख ने स्वयं लगाया था bhaskar.comRelated words :
upekshapoorn,upekshapurn can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : upekShaapuurNa

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