Meaning of utsarg in english
Interpreting utsarg - उत्सर्ग
Other : sacrifice Ex:  The sacrifice of the chicken is to receive atonement उ: हम उसके लिए प्राणों का भी उत्सर्ग देते हैं।
letting loose: abandoning उ: यहाँ उनका उत्सर्ग होकर वे मल में मिल जाते हैं। dedicating (oneself उ: स्वतंत्र चातुर्मास्य के दो पक्ष हैं- उत्सर्ग पक्ष और अनुत्सर्ग पक्ष। to an aim उ: वैदिकों की परंपरा में सोमयज्ञ के अंतर्गत उत्सर्ग पक्ष ही स्वीकृत है। offering Ex:  This enterprise was capitalised in a public stock offering उ: टैसीटस् ने देवताओं की सेवा में घोड़ों के उत्सर्ग की बात लिखी है। dedication Ex:  Luther tried to please God through this dedication abandonment Ex:  Before Sartre defined abandonment as abandonment by pouring out granting Ex:  Shop keepers try their best to appease their customer.
The owner appeased his workers by granting them bonus. one's assets gift Ex:  We chose to honor you with a little gift . excretion Ex:  Various diseases and medications may decrease the body's excretion of potassium excreted fraction
The owner appeased his workers by granting them bonus. one's assets gift Ex:  We chose to honor you with a little gift . excretion Ex:  Various diseases and medications may decrease the body's excretion of potassium excreted fraction
Suggested : something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance present to leave completely and finally forsake utterly desert the act of dedicating something offered in worship or devotion, as to a deity an oblation or sacrifice the offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation or homage
Word of the day
Related words :
Other : उत्सर्ग अभिकेंद्रवृद्धि - excretion उत्सर्ग करनेवाला - consecrator उत्सर्ग नलिका - excretory tubule उत्सर्गक - dedicator उत्सर्गतः - उत्सर्गाशय - excretory vesicle उत्सर्गिक - dedicatory उत्सर्गी - devoting उत्सर्गी ऐनोड - sacrificial anode उत्सर्गी रक्षण - sacrificial protection उत्सर्गोत्तर शवाधान - post-exposure burial
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :