Meaning of (उंमेठन) uंmethana in english

As noun : cramp Ex:  It took him a cramp, he was seized by a cramp while swimming
spasm convulsion Ex:  Loosen the teeth to someone Make it open by force both jaws, when, convulsion or otherwise, it keeps extremely tight one against the other squeeze Ex:  Let's squeeze up so Jamie can sit down . contortion Ex:  A contortion of all members pull Ex:  They pull down pretty good salaries . wring Ex:  The police will wring the truth out of her . wrench Ex:  He got a wrench in his back while travelling. twist Ex:  A thought, an idea, an image, a phrase, a new twist emphasis Ex:  Modern submarines are built with an emphasis on stealth. power Ex:  The dictator fell from power after the riots . momentum Ex:  If the electron and positron had negligible momentum strength Ex:  fatigue sapped his strength might Ex:  Every brilliant student might have a provident. kink Ex:  If kink in his cloak, in its coverage force Ex:  the force of his eloquence easily persuaded them thrust Ex:  Jet engines provide thrust by taking in air pressure Ex:  Atmospheric pressure is measured in millibars. ball Ex:  He is a ball on the object. nerve Ex:  These muscles are able to contract multiple times for each single nerve impulse
As adjective : energetic Ex:  an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue
Suggested : the act or process of contorting to press forcibly together compress contortion of the body caused by violent, involuntary muscular contractions of the extremities, trunk, and head Pathology a sudden, abnormal, involuntary muscular contraction, consisting of a continued muscular contraction (tonic spasm) or of a series of alternating muscular contractions and relaxations (clonic spasm) Often, cramps
a sudden, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, especially of the extremities, sometimes with severe pain
Exampleउंमेठन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(उंमेठन) uंmethana can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : uंmeThana

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