Meaning of (उठावना) uthavana in english

As noun : raise Ex:  The employee took umbrage at not getting a raise .
carry Ex:  I carry all my sports gear in a kitbag. weigh Ex:  All these problems really weigh me down . bear Ex:  The bear tore the tent apart . elevate Ex:  The peacocks are hard to elevate cat Ex:  Persian cat has long hairs. take Ex:  Prostitutes take money for sex uplift Ex:  Additional uplift occurred when major faults developed to the east pump Ex:  The heart of fish is therefore only a single pump . heave hoist Ex:  hoist a black flag in mourning run Ex:  To run a marathon. swell Ex:  In terms of cuisine, Make burst rice, the swell in boiling water court Ex:  She appealed to the court for a retrial . drag up shore Ex:  many summer excursions to the shore
As verb : pick up Ex:  When I pick up a person from the street lift Ex:  Please lift this burden from me . put up Ex:  She put up her hand to ask a question . wake up Ex:  I wake up every day at the same time sustain Ex:  With very limited natural resources to sustain economic development accept Ex:  I must accept what you say as the final decision . go back Ex:  We go back to school tomorrow . relieve Ex:  Cardona marched to relieve the city in early April take up Ex:  Most CD recordings take up two discs rouse bring up Ex:  It also means Sunrise, bring up waken Ex:  Action to arouse or awaken rear Ex:  The cathedral-like design and size can only be truly appreciated from the rear suffer Ex:  In old age some people suffer from forgetfulness. awaken Ex:  Action to arouse or awaken
Other : jump Ex:  Russell won high jump titles at the Central California AAU meet
Suggested : to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position hoist to determine or ascertain the force that gravitation exerts upon (a person or thing) by use of a balance, scale, or other mechanical device to take or support from one place to another convey transport to choose or select from among a group to move to a higher position lift up elevate
Exampleउठावना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(उठावना) uthavana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : uThaavanaa

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