Meaning of (उदगारना) udagarana in english
As noun : jut Ex: jut is used as a transitive verb in terms of Livestock and designates Action to cover a female; then it is combined in the first sense as
send off drag Ex: A wing generates two forms of drag push Ex: Put your finger on this spot and push hard . starve out Ex: We tried to starve out the mice . take out of burp Ex: You're supposed to say “excuse me” when you burp . solicit arouse Ex: It would carry home, it does not arouse feed Ex: The feed conversion rate , i. incite urge Ex: Give career, carried away if we have the urge to say or do something fuel Ex: Wood is burned as a fuel mostly in rural areas of the world. raise Ex: She offered to help raise funds for VVAW put up to charge up needle Ex: He pushed the needle through just like a tailor . inflame spark Ex: When removed, the spark length would increase. get a rise out of pick Ex: He'd as soon pick a figureht as look at you . bring Ex: Can I bring my cousing to the dinner?
Bring charges sex Ex: What sex is your dog. thrill Ex: In 1942, Ruth called this game his greatest thrill on the field. fan Ex: I'm a great fan of the mayor of the town . stir up touch Ex: John is a soft touch . sublimate fan the flames of move Ex: They could not move because they were ice bound. stir Ex: Aiguayer linen, the washing and stir for some time in the water before twisting flesh Ex: fish with reputedly poisonous flesh fan the flames
Bring charges sex Ex: What sex is your dog. thrill Ex: In 1942, Ruth called this game his greatest thrill on the field. fan Ex: I'm a great fan of the mayor of the town . stir up touch Ex: John is a soft touch . sublimate fan the flames of move Ex: They could not move because they were ice bound. stir Ex: Aiguayer linen, the washing and stir for some time in the water before twisting flesh Ex: fish with reputedly poisonous flesh fan the flames
As verb : flush out Ex: More accurately they were trying to flush out Norma Desmond". throw out count out stick out turn out Ex: This thing Will turn to His shame, His Glory, honor, in dishonor, It Will turn out to bad, advantage, etc eject Ex: The resulting friction was enough to safely eject the round from the receiver. out Ex: More accurately they were trying to flush out Norma Desmond". belch spew stoke inflame provoke Ex: Giving a headache to someone, cause him trouble, provoke him embarrassment stimulate Ex: A strong dose of caffeine can stimulate the mind for a short time kindle titillate incite foment Ex: foment sedition ferment Ex: heads, minds ferment enliven rouse Ex: It would carry home, it does not arouse wind up excite Ex: Engage, excite arouse Ex: It would carry home, it does not arouse encourage Ex: Thus there are both dynamic influences that encourage acceptance of new things bring Ex: Can I bring my cousing to the dinner?
Bring charges galvanize whet work up exasperate Ex: What exasperates, which is unique to exasperate irritate Ex: exasperate, irritate excessively
Bring charges galvanize whet work up exasperate Ex: What exasperates, which is unique to exasperate irritate Ex: exasperate, irritate excessively
As adjective : mad Ex: The boss— mad as a wet hen—dumped all over me .
Suggested : to press upon or against (a thing) with force in order to move it away to draw with force , effort, or difficulty pull heavily or slowly along haul trail a demonstration of good wishes for a person setting out on a trip, career, or other venture to propel or cast in any way, especially to project or propel from the hand by a sudden forward motion or straightening of the arm and wrist to extend beyond the main body or line project protrude (often followed by out )
Word of the day
(उदगारना) udagarana
can be used as noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :