Meaning of (उपतप्त) upatapta in english
As noun : sad Ex:  These pictures bring back sad memories
bad Ex:  Azharuddin was upbraided for bad captaincy. down Ex:  Her savings dwindled down blue Ex:  The shell's structure is distinctive: sinuous bands of blue grey Ex:  Galahs have a pale grey to mid-grey back burnt Ex:  We burnt the gasoline off the water's surface . baked Ex:  she loved the freshness of newly baked bread sunbaked parched Ex:  Some herbs rare and parched patient Ex:  The patient is getting about now. case Ex:  He bared the facts of the case before the Jury. sick Ex:  She's pipped and ready to get sick . invalid
As verb : up Ex:  I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale scorched Ex:  Thanks to the Russian army's scorched earth tactics
As adjective : stricken Ex:  Loveless is convinced and stricken unhappy Ex:  An only child, he had a confused and unhappy childhood. painful Ex:  The reconciliation led to a slow and painful but steady, national unification. ablaze
Suggested : from higher to lower in descending direction or order toward, into, or in a lower position sad miserable wretched not good in any manner or degree a past participle of strike affected by unhappiness or grief sorrowful or mournful
Word of the day
(उपतप्त) upatapta
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :