Meaning of (उपश्लाघा) upashlagha in english
As noun : bragging Ex:  He is always bragging about his achievemets.
brag Ex:  You brag about your well protected gasconade Ex:  It claims to be very rich, it is pure gasconade hot air Ex:  heat mouth opening practiced on the sides of a fireplace, stove or on the course of a furnace, to give passage to hot air crowing Ex:  She is crowing over her new car . vaunt vaporing boast Ex:  He dared boast of reach Racine gas Ex:  he stepped on the gas brag Ex:  You brag about your well protected pride Ex:  He took great pride in the success of his son vainglory
Suggested : to speak vaingloriously of boast of to utter the characteristic cry of a rooster extravagant boasting boastful talk to use boastful language boast to use boastful language boast
Word of the day
(उपश्लाघा) upashlagha
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :