Meaning of (उरेहनापु) urehanapu in english

As noun : stretch Ex:  His descendants went on to stretch the Mongol Empire across most of Eurasia
strain Ex:  Don't strain for effect so much . drag Ex:  Boeing fixed the drag issue by introducing new longer nacelle/wing fairings twitch Ex:  involuntary contraction Medicine, twitch of certain organs construct Ex:  They used reinforced concrete to construct deep scratch Ex:  We were obliged to scratch Dave from the list . bring Ex:  Please bring along your camera to the show . tug Ex:  She popped out the cork with a quick tug . circumscribe Ex:  circumscribe a figure a circle, draw a figure whose sides touch the circle fish out Ex:  be like fish out of water, be out of place where one would want to be describe Ex:  Most western text describe the circus as a "Chinese Circus". pick at arrest Ex:  the negotiations were in arrest pick Ex:  The taxi will come pick you up from where you are. make Ex:  Alabaster is carved to make ornaments. jot down Ex:  I jot down the important points during discussion. committal to writing paint Ex:  slap some paint onto the wall indite writing Ex:  Lot of writing blunts a pencil. card Ex:  I recieved her post card today only. put Ex:  You have to put this paper on an antedate because today is a holiday. author Ex:  Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson take down set Ex:  I would never set foot in a place like that . mark Ex:  I'll just mark time till things get better . pencil in write down clock Ex:  he counted the ticks of the clock keep Ex:  Clean hair keep the lice away. note down write up write in to chalk Ex:  alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone sign out Ex:  I forgot to sign out when I left . ring up Ex:  I have to ring up a whole list of people . drop Ex:  The new drop time was set for 03:00 on December 17 cover Ex:  The "Giftpack" edition includes a copy of the novel with a "movie tie-in" cover sign in Ex:  Please sign in so we will know you are here . do Ex:  you cannot do this legitimately! fabrication work Ex:  We work on weekdays in the office. opus Ex:  His first works with opus numbers composition Ex:  The most successful life forms change the composition of the air writings Ex:  prophetic writings creation Ex:  His agenda included the creation of the North-West Frontier Province literature Ex:  English literature thrived in the Jacobean period. poem Ex:  The runnel was a poem in motion. pen Ex:  Set pen to paper. design Ex:  Kent attached them to the design coin Ex:  I got a punt in my coin collection. writing Ex:  Lot of writing blunts a pencil. action Ex:  The action of the novel shifts from Paris to London. network Ex:  he owned a network of shops conformation Ex:  This rotational conformation is a compromise between the anti conformer piece Ex:  he performed the piece amateurishly shape Ex:  Ballyvalley , Derryniggin , and a number of metal ingots in the shape of axes. formation Ex:  This rotational conformation is a compromise between the anti conformer centre Ex:  Our health centre has undergone a complete refit. set into plug in Ex:  Also in some cases forcing the plug in may damage the socket. tape Ex:  We have a tape deck. affix Ex:  Please affix these tags to your luggage . implantation Ex:  Shortly after implantation place Ex:  Replication of genes takes place in D.N.A. tag on shoot Ex:  Breaking, shoot images infliction charge Ex:  Pemex is in charge of the exploration sink into Ex:  Pistache earth, Small leguminous plant, of which the pods, which sink into the earth to ripen it, contain two or three similar seed nuts and edible shift Ex:  I prefer a stick shift car— I don't know why . stock Ex:  refine paper stock nail Ex:  I'll nail back the shutters . institute Ex:  this institute is good example of modularity based system. pump in Ex:  Pump casing, the hose of a pump in which the piston plays pin back display Ex:  She goggled at the display of ornaments. turn Ex:  I-90 makes a 90-degree turn known in the area as Dead Man's Curve aim Ex:  In 2005 he visited Venezuela with the specific aim of meeting Chávez crop Ex:  The extensive flooding resulted in significant crop damage. bind Ex:  It also helped bind the still-new nation closer to Britain and Europe. glue Ex:  You should glue down the rug . dab Ex:  Gently dab the wound with some cotton wool spread Ex:  Dusk spread its final shadows over the land . level against stitch Ex:  In terms of embroidery, it tells of a tense Son covered with embroidery stitch weight Ex:  Let out that dress--I gained a lot of weight installation Ex:  Retail licenses include installation support for end-users tag Ex:  English-speakers mark relationships by marriage with the tag "-in-law". tie up Ex:  We need to tie up some place for the night . size Ex:  I want to wrestle with someone my own size . plant Ex:  A beautiful rose plant graces my garden. pump into coat Ex:  I find that this coat is a very good fit.
As verb : extract Ex:  This extract from an originally secular 1840s composition pull Ex:  There is no need to pull down everyone . draw Ex:  With the release of American Idiot and the subsequent draw of many new fans pluck Ex:  Dental Surgery Instrument used to detach the gums around the teeth you want pluck write Ex:  she took forever to write the paper pen Ex:  Set pen to paper. publish Ex:  He did publish two pieces of what he had separately. document Ex:  The mislaid document was found just in time. set down Ex:  The shooters then set down their duffel bags compose Ex:  Vivaldi was able to compose non-academic music write in Ex:  She likes to write in her diary every day. make out Ex:  He boasted to make out land under army put in Ex:  The thief was put in fetters at the jail. put down Ex:  Although swiftly and violently put down draw Ex:  With the release of American Idiot and the subsequent draw of many new fans commit Ex:  Therefore, it was decided to commit the 68th Army, kept in reserve, to battle. spell out report Ex:  Jane's report was good . compose Ex:  Vivaldi was able to compose non-academic music write Ex:  she took forever to write the paper impose Ex:  Although European nations impose some pollution taxes attach Ex:  Most machine pistols can attach a shoulder stock set up Ex:  It took nearly an hour to set up the tent . introduce Ex:  There are three methods for an MP to introduce a Private Member's Bill. tune in Ex:  Let's tune in on the late news . inject Ex:  Volcanic eruptions may inject aerosols into the Earth's atmosphere. invest Ex:  Don't invest all your money in one company . lay out put up Ex:  We put up a lot of tomatoes every year . bring Ex:  Please bring along your camera to the show .
Suggested : to draw or haul toward oneself or itself, in a particular direction, or into a particular position to draw with force , effort, or difficulty pull heavily or slowly along haul trail to draw tight or taut, especially to the utmost tension stretch to the full to draw out or extend (oneself, a body, limbs, wings, etc) to the full length or extent (often followed by out ) to get, pull, or draw out, usually with special effort, skill, or force
Exampleउरेहनापु का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(उरेहनापु) urehanapu can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : urehanaapu

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