Meaning of (उल्लल) ullala in english
As noun : seething
shivering Ex:  he is shivering with cold trembling Ex:  A voice trembling shaky Ex:  Burning Labour burner, which consists of points, short sizes, shaky strokes quavering Ex:  Voice quavering quivering shaking Ex:  Hocher the bit, the bridle, shaking the horse to excite the erratic Ex:  In terms of geology, erratic blocks, stones or rocks fallen from the mountains to the surface of a glacier and transported by the movement of the glacier at a distance from their point of origin volatile mobile Ex:  More mobile phones have Internet access than PCs uncertain Ex:  Li Bai's birthplace is uncertain but one candidate is Suyab in Central Asia . fluid Ex:  It may also be called a fluid mosaic membrane. floating Ex:  Leto found the newly created floating island of Delos instability Ex:  This instability was clarified in 1902 by the Jeans instability criterion. wobbly choppy unfirm unfocused unfocussed unsettled variable Ex:  California levies a 9.3% maximum variable rate income tax, with 6 tax brackets. wandering Ex:  At one time a stray wandering the streets of Moscow fur Ex:  The woman purchased a fur from the furrier.
As adjective : tremulous Ex:  She spoke in a tremulous voice. quavery indecisive fickle Ex:  substantively, A fickle versatile Ex:  While this is versatile and controllable capricious Ex:  , assembled most commonly of a capricious manner, and no other purpose than to form a chain pleasant to the eye shaky Ex:  Burning Labour burner, which consists of points, short sizes, shaky strokes giddy transient Ex:  It is there that transient inconsistent Ex:  Conduct inconsistent whimsical Ex:  substantively, A, a whimsical precarious Ex:  , Do not take anything said about a precarious position planetary Ex:  Ceres was assigned a planetary symbol unstable Ex:  The term unstable molecule is used for very reactive species, i. fleeting lissome slippery Ex:  By extension, the floor was slippery I skidded mercurial inconstant unsteady treacherous Ex:  A treacherous smile changeable unreliable unprecise afloat Ex:  There is not enough water for the boat can be afloat unsteadfast harum scarum unliquidated unstaid irresolute volatile oils astatic shaggy Ex:  Emus have brown to grey-brown plumage of shaggy appearance
Suggested : (of persons, the body, etc) characterized by trembling, as from fear , nervousness, or weakness tending to shake or tremble to shake involuntarily with quick, short movements, as from fear , excitement, weakness, or cold quake quiver to shake or tremble with cold, fear , excitement, etc to surge or foam as if boiling
Exampleउल्लल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(उल्लल) ullala
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :